Friday, November 15, 2013

P.E.A.C Potluck

I attended the Potluck. Didn't think I would make it but I did, even though I was late. I felt a little bad that I didn't bring anything but....maybe next time. I only had some of Prof. Burchams Pasta although I was looking forward to her homemade mac and cheese. but like I said maybe next time

Friday, November 8, 2013


I believe I just took the hardest test I ever took. Matter of fact iKNOW it was the hardest test I ever took. I second guessed throughout the whole test. citric cycle? i have no clue what the purpose of it is! Calvin cycle? i know nothing about that either. I think imma need a new bio teacher for 102. I need some suggestions, immediately!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Election Day

I hope that everyone that was capable of voting, took the time to vote today. I know some don't think these elections are important because they are not the presidential elections but they are. I took time out of my busy schedule to vote and also bother others to do the same. I vote for a reason and my reason to vote this year is to keep my rights as a woman.